Saturday, April 30, 2011


Big update, modeling is complete. I am in the process of texturing everything, the majority of my textures will be hand painted. I recently picked up a new work-flow in Photoshop that allows me to fairly quickly paint accurate textures. I will be using Crazy Bump to make normal  maps for everything.

Hopefully I will have enough time to rig/animate my character.

 My Textures:

Sample Renders (still in progress):

I plan on completing most of the texturing by this Wednesday for critique.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update: 4/19

Modeling is complete, minus the head. I've begun setting up a rig that will work with this character, since most of it is mechanical then there is a lot of set driven key's that need to be tweaked.

Currently I have the left foot rig underway, I'm having some issues with changing the orientation of a group, currently I want to setup an attribute on the foot control that allows me to extend and retract the foot only using a single axis (the y-axis), but the way the orientation of the group is I am unable to do so.

I went with an a-symmetrical body style in the end because I liked the way it flowed, I will most likely put an nCloth cape on the right shoulder of my character to help balance the composition out.

(Video is extremely short, it's purpose is to demonstrate my current leg rig. Easier to see when it's looped.)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


First day using Mudbox, my attempt at stylizing the chest plate of my character.

Reference Material

Most of these images have a "steam-punk" feel which is something I want to integrate into my model's style. I want a lot my characters suit/armor to be powered by hydraulics. As I continued to model I moved more towards a mechanical character who is only part biological.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Modeling Update

Front and Back screen shots of my model in progress. I'm thinking about learning Mudbox and creating normal maps for this project. It would be experimental, but I feel like I could create some high quality maps.